So I just finished watching a video by one of my favorite youtubers. It was on the pagan perspective. I'll try to remember to link it. Anyhow, it was on the topic of 'advice for beginner of a pagan path'. As many of you know there are not a lot of approving people when it comes to our path, though the number is growing. If you are like me and live in a Christian home in the Bible belt you probably hide your religion from your family. I actually came out of the broom closet just to my dad. It didn't go so well. Once I turn 18 or move out I will try coming out again. Hopefully with a better result. For a lot of beginners that is a big concern. I am nor going to lie to you; it can be tough. I do recommend waiting until you are 18 to come out the broom closet to religious family. To tell you the truth, you will sometimes find road blocks even within the pagan community. DON'T LET THIS STOP YOU. If you believe paganism is right for you go for it. Don't let anyone stop. But of course exercise common sense. If you can't afford book that's okay. You have the internet; which some mite say is better. Can't afford tools, make them. Want a want, decorate a stick. Want an athame, use a butter knife. Want a goblet, cups are great. Calderon, say hello to a pot. Everything you may want is already under your roof. But all you really need is you. So here is the first step: start asking questions. Ask yourself what your beliefs are. Ask the Google search about Pantheons, magic, spell work, ritual, core beliefs, herbs, crystals, horoscopes, tarot, different pagan religions, ect. Ask every question you can think of. Second: put your findings in a notebook. I would suggest keeping it well hidden. I find plan sit or my purse sometimes works. So far my parents haven't been nosy enough to find anything. But keeping a journal is very helpful. Write down everything. Even put diary like entries. Third: try things out, experiment. Find something you like, try it out. Want to try out casting a circle, go for it. (Btw there is no wrong way to cast a circle ). Forth : practice. Practice makes perfect so do it offend.
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